Foto: JVB AS

M/B Bitihorn

Bli med på en vakker reise over Bygdinvannet med historiske M/B Bitihorn. Ombord på Bygdinbåten ser du mange av Jotunheimens mektige topper ruve langs vannet. Båten anløper Bygdin, Torfinnsbu og Eidsbugarden, som alle er flotte utgangspunkt for opplevelser i fjellet.  Båten på Bygdin trafikkerer daglig i sesongen fra slutten av juni til medio september.

Vi kjører deg fra Oslo eller Bergen rett inn til foten av Jotunheimen, hvor vi også tar oss av bagasjetransport, tilrettelegging av overnatting og god mat underveis.  

Båten over Bygdin

M/B Bitihorn trafikkerer på Jotunheimens største innsjø Bygdin, 1058moh. Vannet er ca. 30 km langt og båtturen tar rundt 1 time og 45 min hver vei. Ombord finnes en kiosk for enkel bevertning av varme og kalde drikker, snacks og Bitihorn-effekter. Vi har innvendig salong med sitteplass til ca. 70 passasjerer.

Båtens anløp er Eidsbugarden i vest og Bygdin i øst. Vi har også anløp for av- og påstigning midtveis på Torfinsbu.

M/B Bitihorn ble bygget og sjøsatt i 1912 og hadde sin jomfrutur 17. juli dette året. Båten har gått i trafikk på Bygdin siden bare avbrutt av et par år under andre verdenskrig. I løpet av en sommersesong frakter vi ca. 10.000 passasjerer over Bygdin.

For bestilling av transport med M/B Bitihorn se


Rutetabell 2023

Gyldig fra 30.06. – 27.08 og helgene 01.–03.09., 08.–10.09.

Bygdin – Torfinnsbu – Eidsbugarden Fre. lør. Daglig Daglig
Avgang: Bygdin 07:15a 09:05 13:30
Avgang: Torfinnsbu 08:00a 09:50 14:15
Ankomst: Eidsbugarden 10:50 15:15
Eidsbugarden – Torfinnsbu – Bygdin Fre. lør. Daglig Daglig
Avgang: Eidsbugarden 11:30 15:30
Avgang: Torfinnsbu 08:00a 12:30 16:30
Ankomst: Bygdin 08:50a 13:15 17:15

a) Kun ved forhåndskjøpt nettbillett. 

Praktisk informasjon


M/B Bitihorn har dynamiske priser. Billettpriser finnes i rutesøket på når billettsalget er i gang.


M/B Bitihorn tar med hunder gratis. De kan være hvor som helst på dekk, men slipper dessverre ikke inn i salongen under dekk.


Vi anbefaler å bestille billett på forhånd. Med forhåndskjøpt billett er du garantert plass på båten. 


Grupper på inntil 20 personer kjøper billetter gjennom ordinær billettbooking. Grupper på over 20 personer kan forhåndsbestille ved å ta kontakt med oss på [email protected] eller telefon 91 11 11 03.

Våre båtturer

Day to day

Day 1: Oslo - Gjendesheim

Bus: Valdresekspressen fra Oslo

Transport from Oslo bus Terminal (Oslo Airport). 
If you are coming from Oslo Airport, you must count about 1 hour to transfer to Oslo Bus Terminal. 

If the time schedule does not fit your flight we can help with accommodation in Oslo, adding one extra night. Let us know.


Accomodation: Gjendesheim turisthytte DNT

Gjendesheim Turisthytte has a history dating back to 1878. The hut is run by DNT and is located in the heart of the Norwegian mountains, with Besseggen Ridge as a neighbor.


Day 2: Knutshøe

First ridge: Knutshøe

Level of difficulty: medium
Duration: 4-6 hours
Distance: 13 kilometers
Ascent: 700 meters

Knutshø is called Bessegens little brother. The mountain has a very cool shape and are exposed with lakes on both sides. The ridge has two challenge points where you will have to use all hands and feet.

Accomodation: Gjendesheim turisthytte DNT

Gjendesheim Turisthytte has a history dating back to 1878. The hut is run by DNT and is located in the heart of the Norwegian mountains, with Besseggen ridge as a neighbor.


Day 3: Boat cruise to Gjendebu

Boat: Boat cruise to Gjendebu

I dag skal dere ta den flotte båtturen over Gjendevannet. Hvis dere ønsker en kortere båttur, kan dere vandre langs den første delen av innsjøen.

Alt. hike from Gjendesheim to Memurubu 

Level of difficulty: Easy 
Duration: 2-3 hours 
Distance: 10 kilometers 
Ascent: 400 meters

This hike is a nice and easy walk alongside the lake.  

Accommodation: Gjendebu Turisthytte DNT 
At 990 masl at the west end of Gjende Lake you will find Gjendebu. The hotel offers a traditional and historic atmosphere, with good local food - and is the oldest cabin of DNT, built in 1871.  

Day 4: Bukkelægret

Hike: Bukkelægret

Level of difficulty: Medium 
Duration: 5 hours 
Distance: 11 kilometers 
Ascent: 850 meters 

Bukkelægret is an exciting, steep walk with a longer flat section in the middle. The trip takes you through several mountain lakes packed with mountain trout - a perfect area to have lunch. The high route gives a great view over the water Gjende. In the steepest parts of this route you can hold on to the chain for extra safety, or hike an alternative route.  

Accomodation: Memurubu DNT
Memurubu is a tourist hut at the end or start of the famous Besseggen hiking trail. Memurubu is originally an old mountain pasture dating back to 1872, but has had tourists just as long. Cows are still grazing around the tourist hut, which lies at the mouth of the river Muru in the valley Memurudalen.

Day 5: Besseggen

Hike: Besseggen 

Level of difficulty: Medium 
Duration: 6-8 hours 
Distance: 14 kilometers 
Ascent: 1132 meters 

Besseggen is one of Norway's most popular hikes. There is a fantastic view of majestic Jotunheimen on a trip over the narrow, airy ridge. With the green Gjende Lake 400 meters straight down on one side, and the deep blue Bessvatnet Lake on the other, you will have an experience you will never forget.

Accommodation: Gjendebu Turisthytte DNT 

At 990 masl at the west end of Gjende Lake you will find Gjendebu. The hotel offers a traditional and historic atmosphere, with good local food - and is the oldest cabin of DNT, built in 1871.

Day 6: Gjendesheim - Oslo


Bus: Gjendesheim - Oslo 

Transport from Gjendesheim to Oslo bus Terminal (Oslo Airport). 
If you are going to Oslo Airport, you must count about 1 hour to transfer from Oslo Bus Terminal. 

If the time schedule does not fit your flight we can help with accommodation in Oslo, adding one extra night. Let us know.

See bus departures from Gjendesheim below Practical information.

Practical information

Below you will find practical information about this trip.
Can not find what you are looking for? See our frequently asked questions page, or send us an email – we will help you!

Departures from Oslo


8.30 am – 1.05 pm 


8.30 am – 1.05 pm 
3.05 pm – 7.05 pm 
5.00 pm – 9.05 pm 
5.20 pm – 9.03 pm (Directly from Oslo Airport) 


8.30 am - 1.05 pm 
1.05 pm – 5.45 pm 
5.20 pm – 9.03 pm (Directly from Oslo Airport) 


8.30 am - 1.05 pm 
10.20 am – 1.35 pm 


10.20 am – 1.35 pm 
12.20 pm – 4.50 pm 
5.20 pm – 9.03 pm (Directly from Oslo Airport)


Luggage transport

We will send your luggage from cabin to cabin, so you only need to bring a daypack.

Departures from Gjendesheim


2.00 pm – 6.35 pm 


10.00 am – 2.45 pm 
2.00 pm – 6.35 pm 


10.00 am – 2.45 pm 
10.00 am -2.21 pm (Directly to Oslo Airport) 
4.00 pm – 8.20 pm 
5.35 pm – 10.00 pm


All restaurants offer food based on local ingredients. For breakfast, there will be a buffet. Here you also need to make yourself a packed lunch that you bring to lunch for the day. Use your beewax food wrap. It is possible to fill a thermos, check with the accommodation. Dinner will be served in the afternoon/evening. 


Gjendesheim Turisthytte DNT:  

Gjendesheim Turisthytte has a history dating back to 1878. The hut is run by DNT and is located in the heart of the Norwegian mountains, with Besseggen Ridge as a neighbor.  

Gjendebu Turisthytte DNT:  

At 990 masl at the west end of Gjende Lake, you will find Gjendebu. The DNT cabin offers a traditional and historic atmosphere, with good local food – and is the oldest cabin of DNT, built in 1871. 

Memurubu Turisthytte:  

Memurubu is a tourist hut at the end or start of the famous Besseggen hiking trail. Memurubu is originally an old mountain pasture dating back to 1872, but has had tourists for just as long. Cows are still grazing around the tourist hut, which lies at the mouth of the river Muru in the valley Memurudalen. 

Trails and weather

The conditions in the autumn are wonderful, but it can also give some challenges. You need to be prepared to walk in the snow in case of snowfall. We have also described alternative routes for the steepest parts if the exposure or conditions makes it uncountable. In September, normal temperature is between 0-10 degrees.

All the paths are well-marked. The terrain varies from flat and easy to rocky and hilly. All the hikes as a short steep, exposed crux where you will have to use both legs and arms. Thou these sections can be avoided by walking an alternative route around.

Equipment list

We will send you equipment-list when ordering. 

Opplev Jotunheimen med oss!